How Did Islam Impact Asia Politically, Economically, And Socially?

Islam began in Arabia in the 7th century. Spread islam in Asia, including Syria, Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Central Asia, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, etc. One of the most populous Islamic countries in Asia is Indonesia. The major countries that have an Islamic belief in Asia follow Islamic rules. 

They have formed the rules and regulations of the countries according to the Islamic rules. The role of Islam in our life changes our behaviors and daily routines. The rulers and the population follow Islamic rules because they have a lot of Islamic influence. The consumption of pork and praying five times a day are practiced in most Asian countries. Islam has impacted Asia politically, economically, and socially.

Political Impact Of Islam on Asia

The Political Aspects of Islam have changed the rules for the common population of the Asian countries. The political Islam rules are derived from the Quran and ḥadīth, and Sunnah. The political history of Islam has influenced the political movements in Asian countries.

1. Traditional Political Concepts 

Traditional political concepts in Islam have influenced the rules and regulations of the countries in Asia. The leadership and the elected successors follow the teachings of Prophet Muhammad. The Caliphs in Sunnī Islam and Imams in Shīʿa Islam have impacted the lives of the civilians. Muslim countries in Asia follow Islamic law (sharīʿa), and the duty of the rules of the countries seek consultation from Quran to form rules for the country. The unjust rulers don’t last long in Asian countries because Islam has impacted the political aspects greatly.

2. Historical Examples of Political Impact Of Islam In Asia 

The political aspect of Islam Asia has made a significant change in the Muslim world. The defeat of the Ottoman Empire has changed the common Islamic political themes. The enforcement of sharīʿa law is under discussion, and the militant struggle is going on. Historical events like the defeat of Arab armies and the Six-Day War left a big impact on the political world in Asian countries.

The collapse of the Soviet Union and the conclusion of the Cold War have increased the appeal of the Islamic movements. Many political movements like Islamism, Islamic fundamentalism, and Islamic democracy have changed Asian countries significantly. The conflict between the Sunnīs and Shīʿītes has changed the ruling regimes all over the Muslim world.

3. Islam Has Influenced The Political Rulers In Asia

Islam spread all over Asia in the past few decades. Islamic laws influence the merchants and scholars in West Africa. The rulers of the Sudanic Empires have adopted the rules set by Islam. The rulers like Ghana, Mali, and Songhay follow Islamic rules. 

The rulers of the Mali Empire encouraged the conversion of the locals to Islam. The trading rules have also been changed due to the Islamic laws. Political rulers in Asian countries make decisions depending on the Islamic rules. They set rules and regulations heavily impacted by Islamic rules. 

4. Growth Of Islam and Influenced The Political World In Asia 

 The growth of political Islam has influenced the rulers in Asia to change their rules according to Islam. South Asia. Parliamentary democracy has failed in Pakistan, and civil society has weakened due to the Islamic rules. This has given rise to social protest in the country. There also has been a call for implementing Sharia in the country. 

The expansion of jihad has also given rise to political protest. Some Islamic leaders promote Jihad, while some still don’t consider it a good promotion rule. The army is portrayed as a guardian of democracy and has worked towards solving the Kashmir conflict. The unresolved Kashmir conflict is a serious security threat to Asia.  

5. Impact Of Islam Has Nurtured Taliban Movement 

There have been many positive aspects of the impact of Islam on the political scene of Asian countries. However, some negative effects have posed a threat to Asian countries like Pakistan. Pakistan has nurtured the Taliban movement, and Afghanistan has become a cornerstone of Pakistan’s foreign policy. 

The Taliban regime has presented a long-term challenge for the future of the government in Afghanistan. The Al Qaeda “cells” are present in Pakistan’s tribal areas, which have posed a serious threat to the Asian countries. Taliban will not go away but continue to represent a security challenge to Pakistan and the new government of Afghanistan.

Economic Aspects Of Islam In Asia

The Sharia consists of prescriptions, suggestions, and recommendations. You can focus on the general principles and guidelines and consider it an overall economic theory. According to the Prophet, one should earn their livelihood as if we will live forever. However, it doesn’t mean we can ignore the urgency of actions. One shouldn’t consider getting ultimate worldly success and think about the next world.

Our Prophet has mentioned that nine-tenths of money is obtained from commerce in another Hadith. Muslims all over the globe are handling their economic needs through commerce, agriculture, and other industries. No doubt, profits are a big part of these activities. However, you must attain these gains lawfully.

1. Legitimacy of Profit

The concept of Haram and Halal is very much evident in Islam. If you want to build a comprehensive economic theory, keeping these factors in mind is very important. These gains must not overshadow your duties which include charity and zakat.

Getting an interest in the Western world seems common. However, this is not acceptable according to the traditional Islamic view. Similarly, speculation is prohibited, and the investor may also have to bear a loss. We cannot deny the role of Islam in society and must follow the rules efficiently.

2. Fulfillment of Your Obligations

Whatever the deal may be, Muslims must pay their debts and due compensation for their employees. You must stand by your words and fulfill your obligations. It is more like a tenet of a Muslim’s faith. When the economic theory is based on Islam, it can bring fruitful results in many ways. Islam interconnects ethics and morality brilliantly.

 In case of an argument, Muslims will resort to arbitration. Mostly there is no written contract even when the business is about to begin. All the agreements are set orally, and each one of the parties has to follow it all. If we look closely, the same pattern will follow in the Western World, where non-Muslims reside. Individuals can choose the type of work they want to do, as Islam doesn’t restrict anyone. Politics in Islam book is a lot different than Non-Muslim countries.

Impact Of Islam On The Social System In Asia

There is a strong relationship between individual responsibility and the rights of other members of the community. You must cater to the individual obligation before getting a share from the community. According to Islam, the social rights and privileges will be shared by one and all.

1. Equality

The Quran emphasizes equality among Muslims and promotes brotherhood. There is a relationship between the creator and human beings. It has an impact on the entire social system as well. 

Islam offers a clear distinction between men and women. A male will inherit twice that of a woman. Moreover, a man has to take care of the financial expenses of the household.

If this isn’t enough, a Muslim man can give divorce his wife. However, a female cannot do the same without the court’s intervention. Islam differentiates between Muslims and Non-Muslims. Social and individual justice is more like an evolving concept in society.

2. Forgiveness

A Muslim will be accountable for their good and bad actions. They can seek God’s forgiveness but must not repeat the same mistake intentionally. You can try to maintain a balance between good and bad deeds. 

If a person is doing a good deed, it doesn’t mean that the bad deed he has done doesn’t hold any weight. You need to build forbearance and move into society accordingly. Sometimes one good deed can overshadow a bad deed. Similarly, one bad deed can overshadow your good deeds.

3. Women In Islam

Islam doesn’t stop women from accomplishing their goals. They are a part of society and must play a good role in bringing a change. In some areas, women may have to follow some strict rules compared to men. Islam promotes the institution of marriage. Celibacy is something exceptional but should be followed only under economic strictness.

4. The Islam Calendar

The Islam calendar is unique as compared to other calendars in the world. One of the reasons is that it is based on the Lunar Year. Muslims have their particular Islamic months, and each is special. Whether it is the month of Ramadan or the festival of Eid, it holds a lot of importance.

Wrap Up

Islam didn’t have a big amount of territory in Asia compared to other religions. However, it did have economic, social, and political impacts. The caste system in India was already very strong, leading to the decentralization of the land.

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